Markdown Support

It removes the preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code, and all other unnecessary distractions. Go to the page where you want to add the Markdown web part. If your page is not already in edit mode, click Edit at the top right of the page. Hover your mouse above or below an existing web part and you'll see a line with a circled +, like this: Click +, and then search for.

The various Markdown renderers supported by Jekyll sometimes have extra optionsavailable.


Kramdown is the default Markdown renderer for Jekyll. Below is a list of thecurrently supported options:

  • auto_id_prefix - Prefix used for automatically generated header IDs
  • auto_id_stripping - Strip all formatting from header text for automatic ID generation
  • auto_ids - Use automatic header ID generation
  • coderay_bold_every - Defines how often a line number should be made bold
  • coderay_css - Defines how the highlighted code gets styled
  • coderay_default_lang - Sets the default language for highlighting code blocks
  • coderay_line_number_start - The start value for the line numbers
  • coderay_line_numbers - Defines how and if line numbers should be shown
  • coderay_tab_width - The tab width used in highlighted code
  • coderay_wrap - Defines how the highlighted code should be wrapped
  • enable_coderay - Use coderay for syntax highlighting
  • entity_output - Defines how entities are output
  • footnote_backlink - Defines the text that should be used for the footnote backlinks
  • footnote_backlink_inline - Specifies whether the footnote backlink should always be inline
  • footnote_nr - The number of the first footnote
  • gfm_quirks - Enables a set of GFM specific quirks
  • hard_wrap - Interprets line breaks literally
  • header_offset - Sets the output offset for headers
  • html_to_native - Convert HTML elements to native elements
  • line_width - Defines the line width to be used when outputting a document
  • link_defs - Pre-defines link definitions
  • math_engine - Set the math engine
  • math_engine_opts - Set the math engine options
  • parse_block_html - Process kramdown syntax in block HTML tags
  • parse_span_html - Process kramdown syntax in span HTML tags
  • smart_quotes - Defines the HTML entity names or code points for smart quote output
  • syntax_highlighter - Set the syntax highlighter
  • syntax_highlighter_opts - Set the syntax highlighter options
  • toc_levels - Defines the levels that are used for the table of contents
  • transliterated_header_ids - Transliterate the header text before generating the ID
  • typographic_symbols - Defines a mapping from typographical symbol to output characters

Example Usage

There are two unsupported kramdown options

Please note that both remove_block_html_tags and remove_span_html_tags are currently unsupported in Jekyll due to the fact that they are not included within the kramdown HTML converter.

For more details about these options have a look at the Kramdown configuration documentation.


CommonMark is a rationalized version of Markdown syntax, implemented in C and thus faster than default Kramdown implemented in Ruby. It slightly differs from original Markdown and does not support all the syntax elements implemented in Kramdown, like Block Inline Attribute Lists.

It comes in two flavors: basic CommonMark with jekyll-commonmark plugin and GitHub Flavored Markdown supported by GitHub Pages.

Custom Markdown Processors

If you’re interested in creating a custom markdown processor, you’re in luck! Create a new class in the Jekyll::Converters::Markdown namespace:

Once you’ve created your class and have it properly set up either as a pluginin the _plugins folder or as a gem, specify it in your _config.yml:


Quiz and Survey is dedicated to create quizzes and surveys in an easy and quick way. It enables you to quickly create a quiz/survey by importing from a markdown or CSV file. In the file, you just need to specify each qustion’s title, type, options and whether an option is an answer option .

For quizzes, the score will be calculated by the percentage of questions answered correctly in all questions. For example, if 8 of 10 questions are answered correctly, a user gets 80 (80%) points.

For surveys, each option of a question can be specified a value, that makes you create a satisfication survey.

Markdown Support

Online demo

Check the live demo with images and formulas.

How to use the plugin

See Quiz and Survey for creating a new quiz/survey, viewing quiz/survey results, etc.


  • One-click import from a markdown or CSV file.
  • Single-choice, multiple-choice and fill in the blank (Only for quizzes) quesitons (Use single choice for true/false questions).
  • Support questions with images, formulas, etc.
  • Satisfaction surveys.
  • Allow setting anyone or only logged users to take a quiz/survey.

More features

  • Demo markdown/CSV file download.
  • Prohibit duplicate submissions for logged in users.
  • Support shortcodes.
  • Statistic reports.
  • Pass scores for quizzes.


  • No timer support yet.
  • For surveys, there are up to 10 options for a question. No results will be displayed for extra options.


It shows 404 Error when displaying a quiz or survey in frontend.
Log in to your WordPress Administration Screens, navigate to Settings > Permalinks. Select the default permalinks. Save. Then reselect your preferred permalinks. This will flush the rewrite rules and should solve your problem.
See more on Custom Post Type 404 Errors.

Import failed for «The csv file is not UTF-8 encoded»
The imported CSV files should be UTF-8 encoded. You may use Notepad++ to convert the CSV to UTF-8:

Notepad++ > Encoding > Convert to UTF-8.


  1. Navigate to «Add New Plugin» page within your WordPress
  2. Search for «Quiz and Survey»
  3. Click «Install Now» link on the plugin and follow the prompts
  4. Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress

Markdown Support For The Browsable Api

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Can I create a quiz/survey with images, formulas to support math or science quizzes?

Yes. But you need to upload an image first before you use it in a markdon/csv file.
To write Latex formulas in , you need to enable Latex by installing other plugins like WP QuickLaTex(Jetpack‘s Latex feature may lead to messy display).
See Quiz and Survey for more information, its exmple shows how to write an latex in a markdown/csv file.

Can I create a quiz/survey by importting data from a markdown/csv file?

Of course you can, and it is the only way provided to create a new quiz/survey.

How to write a markdown/csv file for a quiz of survey?

Markdown Support

See how to use it.

How many quizzes/surveys can I create using the plugin?

You can create as many quizzes and surveys as you wish. There are no limitations on that.

Does this plugin offer demo quiz/survey CSV files?

Yes, you can download the demo quiz and survey files to help creating your own quizzes and surveys.


Участники и разработчики

«Markdown Quiz and Survey» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:

Markdown Support For Windows


Заинтересованы в разработке?

Посмотрите код, проверьте SVN репозиторий, или подпишитесь на журнал разработки по RSS.

Markdown Support Meaning

Журнал изменений


Bug fixes
* Fix single backslash not working for latex.
* Fix default survey option value being 0 instead of 1.
* Fix lower question type not working in CSV.


** Features**
* Support creating a quiz/survey from a markdown file.
* Support fill in the blank questions for a quiz.
* Allow updating questions by importing from a file.
* Check upload file size.

* Make a more proper quiz/suvery title from a file name with hyphens.


Bug fixes
* Fix submit data with one more option value.