Md Readme

README files can help your users understand your project and can be used to set your project’s description on PyPI.This guide helps you create a README in a PyPI-friendly format and include your README in your package so it appears on PyPI.

Creating a README file¶

README files for Python projects are often named README, README.txt, README.rst, or template. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Update the with details of changes to the interface, this includes new environment variables, exposed ports, useful file locations and container parameters. Increase the version numbers in any examples files and the to the new version that this Pull Request would represent. The versioning scheme we use is SemVer.

  • Lollypop music player.
  • Free download page for Project Free Bootstrap Template Corporate's README.MD.A responsive template based on the Bootstrap framework, with rich snippets to Google, valid html5, Secure Contact Form.

For your README to display properly on PyPI, choose a markup language supported by PyPI.Formats supported by PyPI’s README renderer are:

  • plain text

  • reStructuredText (without Sphinx extensions)

  • Markdown (GitHub Flavored Markdown by default,or CommonMark)

It’s customary to save your README file in the root of your project, in the same directory as your file.

Including your README in your package’s metadata¶

To include your README’s contents as your package description,set your project’s Description and Description-Content-Type metadata,typically in your project’s file.

For example, to set these values in a package’s file,use setup()’s long_description and long_description_content_type.

Set the value of long_description to the contents (not the path) of the README file itself.Set the long_description_content_type to an accepted Content-Type-style value for your README file’s markup,such as text/plain, text/x-rst (for reStructuredText), or text/markdown.


If you’re using GitHub-flavored Markdown to write a project’s description, ensure you upgradethe following tools:

The minimum required versions of the respective tools are:

  • setuptools>=38.6.0

  • wheel>=0.31.0

  • twine>=1.11.0

It’s recommended that you use twine to upload the project’s distribution packages:

For example, see this file,which reads the contents of as long_descriptionand identifies the markup as GitHub-flavored Markdown:

Validating reStructuredText markup¶

If your README is written in reStructuredText, any invalid markup will preventit from rendering, causing PyPI to instead just show the README’s raw source.

Note that Sphinx extensions used in docstrings, such asdirectives and roles(e.g., “:py:func:`getattr`” or “:ref:`my-reference-label`”), are not allowed here and will result in errormessages like “Error:Unknowninterpretedtextrole'py:func'.”.

You can check your README for markup errors before uploading as follows:

  1. Install the latest version of twine;version 1.12.0 or higher is required:

  2. Build the sdist and wheel for your project as described underPackaging your project.

  3. Run twinecheck on the sdist and wheel:

    This command will report any problems rendering your README. If your markuprenders fine, the command will output CheckingdistributionFILENAME:Passed.

Marked is

  1. built for speed.*
  2. a low-level markdown compiler for parsing markdown without caching or blocking for long periods of time.**
  3. light-weight while implementing all markdown features from the supported flavors & specifications.***
  4. available as a command line interface (CLI) and running in client- or server-side JavaScript projects.

* Still working on metrics for comparative analysis and definition.
** As few dependencies as possible.
*** Strict compliance could result in slower processing when running comparative benchmarking.


Checkout the demo page to see marked in action ⛹️

These documentation pages are also rendered using marked 💯


CLI:npm install -g marked

In-browser:npm install marked

How To Make Readme File


Warning: 🚨 Marked does not sanitize the output HTML. Please use a sanitize library, like DOMPurify (recommended), sanitize-html or insane on the output HTML! 🚨




Marked offers advanced configurations and extensibility as well.

Supported Markdown specifications

We actively support the features of the following Markdown flavors.

The original
CommonMark0.29Work in progress
GitHub Flavored Markdown0.29Work in progress

By supporting the above Markdown flavors, it's possible that Marked can help you use other flavors as well; however, these are not actively supported by the community.



The only completely secure system is the one that doesn't exist in the first place. Having said that, we take the security of Marked very seriously.

Readme Md Viewer

Therefore, please disclose potential security issues by email to the project committers as well as the listed owners within NPM. We will provide an initial assessment of security reports within 48 hours and should apply patches within 2 weeks (also, feel free to contribute a fix for the issue).