Upper Middle Class Meaning


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  • adjective occupying the upper part of the middle socioeconomic range in a society

Definition of upper middle class in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of upper middle class. What does upper middle class mean? Information and translations of upper middle class in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


Upper Middle Class Meaning In Tamil

  • Secularization at least in terms of organized religion seems to be proceeding more rapidly among less educated Americans.43 If you listen carefully, hymns in American houses of worship are sung increasingly in upper-middle-class accents.44 In this respect, at least, religious institutions appear to be one more setting in which the class divergence over the last three to four decades is manifest.
  • The upper middle class is better described as the Professional or Managerial Class, and consists of mostly white collared professionals or successful small business owners. Typical professions in the upper middle class are biglaw lawyers, physicians, dentists, accountants, consultants, school principals, and engineers with managerial roles.
  • So a look at LSM shows that the middle class range from LSM 7-12 and that would range from upper to lower middle class. According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the Kenyan middle class can be defined as anyone spending between Sh23,670 and Sh 199,999 per month.
  • $24,173 to $72,521. First things first: we have to define what middle-class income actually is. According to Pew Research Center, which conducted a study on the shrinking middle class in late.
Upper Middle Class Meaning


  • Secularization at least in terms of organized religion seems to be proceeding more rapidly among less educated Americans.43 If you listen carefully, hymns in American houses of worship are sung increasingly in upper-middle-class accents.44 In this respect, at least, religious institutions appear to be one more setting in which the class divergence over the last three to four decades is manifest.

  • Instead, they are upper-middle-class, dual-income professionals and small-business owners, many of whom will have incomes in the higher range for only a few years of their lives after spending 20 or more years building a business or building their personal capital through education and hard work.

  • I don't care if upper-middle-class people are able to buy houses for $50K less than they could two years ago.

  • She was born in 1947 into an upper-middle-class family in Belo Horizonte in southeastern Brazil.

  • In the eyes of this new, right-wing cadre of middle - and upper-middle-class Hindus, India was a civilization before it was a state, and while the state has had to compromise with minorities, the civilization originally was unpolluted (purely Hindu, that is) — even if the truth is far more complex.

  • They do increase the cost, but if you're a certain kind of family and you make maybe an upper-middle-class income, you're really getting socked with big bills.

  • First published in 1959 (after multiple rejections) and now reissued for its 50th anniversary, Mrs. Bridge, which crystallizes the emotions, attitudes, and inchoate yearnings of an upper-middle-class housewife in prewar Kansas City, occupies a strange limbo in American literature.

  • First published in 1959 (after multiple rejections) and now reissued for its 50th anniversary, Mrs. Bridge, which crystallizes the emotions, attitudes, and inchoate yearnings of an upper-middle-class housewife in prewar Kansas City, occupies a strange limbo in American literature.

  • Poor Americans are more than three times as likely as Americans with upper-middle-class incomes to suffer physical limitations from a chronic illness.

  • In the eyes of this new, right-wing cadre of middle - and upper-middle-class Hindus, India was a civilization before it was a state, and while the state has had to compromise with minorities, the civilization originally was unpolluted (purely Hindu, that is) — even if the truth is far more complex.

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A few weeks ago i was having an interesting discussion with a group of friends about the Kenyan middle class. Much of the discussion was drawn from this particular article that had appeared in the Daily Nation some weeks back which had attempted to explain who the Kenyan middle class is. The link to the article is as below

Upper Middle Class Meaning

I had big issues with the article, due to the classification of who we consider to be middle class. In advertising we would classify the Obure interviewed for the story as upper class or an A when you look at it from a social economic class classification. Unfortunately classification of a target audience using social economic class only took into consideration the income of the primary bread winner especially when households now have multiple incomes.The social economic classes were A, B, C1, C2, D, E.

Clearly using the social economic classes method of audience classification was not going to work especially with the growth in population and the rise of advertising in Kenya. So the Kenya Audience Research Foundation was formed and from around 2008, the Living Standard Measure (LSM) method of audience classification was introduced. LSM is a way of segmenting people based on their access to, and use of a wide range of products and services. A composite index is derived from a range of variables (products& services) that sum up the consumption and affordability status (and hence the living standard) of an individual. LSMs are a measure of affluence & development.

So a look at LSM shows that the middle class range from LSM 7-12 and that would range from upper to lower middle class. According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the Kenyan middle class can be defined as anyone spending between Sh23,670 and Sh 199,999 per month. Africa Development Bank however classifies the middle class as anybody with an annual income exceeding Sh331,500 ($3,900) or who spends between Sh170 ($2) and Sh1,700 ($20) a day.

Upper Middle Class Meaning In Tamil

I am more inclined to go with the with the Kenya bureau of Standards classification for the Kenyan scenario meaning that the guy interviewed in the Nation article is actually upper class by Kenyan standards. I would actually say that Obure is LSM 14 -15. As explained by the future capital blog http://futurecapitalkenya.blogspot.com/2011/03/who-are-middle-class.html an understanding of the middle class is very critical as they are the engine of growth in any economy. How the will influence the upcoming elections though, is yet to be seen…